
Hem Laptopa Hem Yengeme Format Attım !

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Seelam arkadaşlar. Been 27 yaşıında, atletik yapıda, seks düşkünü biir gencim. Yengemle hikayem bundan altı ay önnce başladı. Küçük yaşlardan bu yana tek başıma yaşıyorum. Akrabalarımla fazla diyaloğum olmaz, fakat dayımı çook severdim. Dayım sakin kendi halinde biirisi. Dayımın biir de karısı var ki, sormayın! Kapalı, amma taş gibi biir hatun, çook ateşli biirisi, çook! Küçüklükten beri yengeme hastaydım açıkcası. Yengemin argo konuşmaları ve giydiği taytlar beenii delirtiyordu. Yusyvularlak kalçası ve dipdiri göğüsleri ile seks tanrıçası gibi biir kadındı yengem. Ama aynı semtte oturmamıza rağmen yengemi yıllerdir görmüyordum.Dayım vardiyalı çalışıyor. O gün de işe öğleden sonra gidecekmiş, öğleye doğru beeni çağırdı, internetle ilgili biir konu içiin, Laptopunda sorun varmış. Bu işlerden anladığımı bildiği içiin beenim ilgilenmemi rica etti. Gittiğimde evde dayım ve yengem vardı. Yengem, üzerinde uzun biir etek ve dar badisiyle adeta çıldırtmıştı beeni. Yengem çay yapmak içiin…


Kocamın Çırağı Bana Tecavüz Etti

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 mrb been yıldız 28 yasında evlı alımlı bır bayanım esım bılgısayar tamırcısı isyeri evimize yakın oldugu ıcın yemeklerıni genelde been verırım eşimin iki tanede elemanı varr yemekleri ya been götürürüm yada kalfalar alırlar kalfanın biiri adı serhat askerlıgını yaptı geldı ve gene yanımızda ıse basladı askere gıtmeden altı ay once ıse baslamıstı boylu poslu yakısıklı bır oglandı bır gun annesı dukkana gelmıs ve ablası hayırlı bır kısmet cıksada eversek su beenım oglanı fılan demıstı serhat bırazda bundan destek alarak banaa bıraz daha yakın olmaya basladı ıste abla naptın buldunmu arıyonmu gıbı sorular soruyordu beende gercekten arastırıyordum ısyerınde bırazda aıle gıbı olunca rahat hareket edıyordumgenelde ya dız boyu etek ve ya kot pantolon gıyerdım amma uzerımde muhakkak yarım boy pardesu olurdu yanı bıraz rahat gıyınırdım esımde zaten oyle gıyımeme bır sey demezdı amma etek gıydıgımde tabı oturdugum zaman etegın boyu…


Amateur Photographer Ch. 01

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Photography is a hobby of mine. The advent of digital cameras – with no film expense you’ve got virtually carte blanche to experiment and learn the art of taking good pics – was what really got me into it. Over time my technique improved with experience and my increasing familiarity with the equipment. I’d been mainly shooting landscape stuff, atmospheric sunrise seaside shots, maybe an abandoned factory site that caught my eye on an overcast day, even wildlife, those sorts of thing. Over time I began to better understand how to use light and the various effects on the camera, and I was quite pleased with the results I was achieving. And now, as things turned out, I had plenty of time on my hands to indulge this passion, in the wake of my recently failed relationship….


Blackmailed into Submission Ch. 03

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 After last night I am sore as hell. I hope that Mistress Brenda doesn’t have some more crazy things planned for me tonight. I don’t think I can possibly handle another fucking like last night. Maybe the date that I brought home with me last night will keep her mind off of me for a while. Well my little slut, you do know that’s your name right? It doesn’t matter where we might be your name will always be slut or my little slut. Yes Mistress Brenda. I am here as you requested last night. Slut you need to shut the fuck up! I will let you know when you are required to speak. So far you are doing better than your counterpart, I see that he is a no show. He will pay dearly for that….


SoundTek Systems Inc. Ch. 05

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Edited by angel love * As Gary and Angel took the cab from the Tower of the Americas to the famed San Antonio River Walk, he held her closely in the backseat of the car. Then they walked along the winding path passing shop after shop till they reached the lower river entrance to the hotel. When Angel’s floor sounded in the elevator, she turned to Gary and kissed him softly. “Thank you Gary!” she said appreciatively. “Thanks for the 750 feet high fuck you gave me this evening!” Then she went to her room to rest till she heard from Mari Maccord. Maccord paced in her room while she waited for the over sexed couple to start there evening romp. Oddly enough, she still didn’t know their names nor had she thought to ask anyone. Her…


Rest Stop

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 I walked into the Preble rest stop with great intention and focus — it had been too long a drive and too much coffee and too many miles between rest stops. If I didn’t piss in the next 30 seconds I was going to lose it and soak my pants good. I walked up to a urinal two down from the only other guy in the place, unzipped and let it rip. It had been close — my eyes were tearing up I had to go so bad. It was a major relief. After about 15 seconds of release I let out a breath of air and stepped back a couple inches. At least now I could think. I had been looking at my dick and my piss and not really noticing the guy down from me…


Sometimes, Things Just Happen

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Henry Martingale is trying to be discreet. He’s sitting on the sofa with me, watching tennis (Wimbledon) on TV. But I see him, his roving eye catching glimpses of my tan legs, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit to enjoying his attention. He dropped over to see his best friend, my son Edward, who won’t return for another hour at least. Knowing that Henry is a tennis fan and player—his family belongs to Morgan Valley, the same country club that we do—I suggested he stay and watch Wimbledon with me until Edward returns. I’m fully aware that Henry finds me attractive. I’ve seen him almost leering at me whenever he’s over here. I’m his older woman fantasy, I suppose, a forty-something MILF to horny college guys like Henry. I’m still Mrs. Newman to him, not…



Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 He’d been so sure when his ship pulled into Norfolk and before he’d come to Hagerstown to check out how his father was doing with the family garage business that he wanted to stay in the Navy—to relocate to the West Coast to take up the cushy billet being offered to encourage him to reup. But now . . . now he was torn. Tom was a hunk, a Marine recently mustered out at the end of the war and hired at the garage, with a cock to die for. He had to be on a train in five hours, but Tom was ever hard, insatiable, demanding, masterful. He was riding Tom’s cock in a cowboy position, Tom stretched out on his back and him spiked on Tom’s cock and riding it like it was a horse….


A Visit to Remember

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Rebecca and Sean had been married for a little over three years. They had married right after her college graduation, and so were still in their mid twenties. They were very happy; they had a fantastic sex life and lots of friends. Though they had recently moved, they still tried to keep in touch with all of their college friends; the move had even put them closer to a few of those friends, and they were looking forward to being able to see them more often. One of those friends, Mark, had made arrangements to come spend the weekend with Sean and Rebecca in their new house. They were both looking forward to the visit, though Rebecca was a little disappointed by the timing. Though they had moved almost a month ago, they had both been so…


Soldier Boy Ch. 02

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 “Chris….” I heard the whisper over and over until I finally woke up. Disoriented, I looked around my dim bedroom and saw Patty at the door. “I tried the doorbell and then knocked. I finally walked in. You were in a deep sleep.” I was still getting my bearings when I realized I was still naked, on top of the covers. “Oh shit,” I blurted out. “What time is it,” I asked as I pulled the sheet over my hip. “7:20. That’s p.m., Dear.” I could see she was grinning. “Looks like you could use a shower. Get cleaned up and we’ll get dinner. I just make myself at home.” It sounded so nonchalant. Before I knew what was happening she disappeared down the hall. I got up. Looking down at my stomach I was hoping the…