
Hakan ile Kaçak Et Kesmece…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Hakan ile Kaçak Et Kesmece… Eşim bayan giyimi üzerine çalıştığı için devamlı seyahat ediyor. Devamlı yollardadır. Bazen bir haftadan daha çok dışarıda kaldığı olur. Kızım evdeyken bu pek problem olmuyor ama yatılı kolleje gittiği zaman yalnız başıma kalıyor ve bunalıyorum. Orta yaş kadınlarıyla ilgili bir dergide okuduğum şeyi bir gün benimde yaşayacağımı asla tahmin edemezdim. Dergiyi okuduktan bir süre sonra arka bahçeye çıkmaya karar verdim. Bahçeye çıktığımda komşumuz Hakanla karşılaştım. Yıllardır selam verdiğim gibi ‘Merhaba Hakan nasılsın’ dedim. Her nasılsa bunca zamandır selamlaşmamıza rağmen Aileler arası görüşmemiz pek olmamıştır. Geçen sene hanımı vefat etmişti onun ve o zamandan sonra çok az görmeye başlamıştım. Evet güzel bir cumartesi sabahıydı ve bahçedeydim. Üzerimde kısa bir şort ile gül pembesi renginde askılı bir tişört vardı. Çok aptalca göründüğünü biliyordum bu durumun ama bir anda feryatlar içinde ağlamaya başladım. Çok kibar…


Bodrum’da Üçlü Aşk – Part 2

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Bodrum’da Üçlü Aşk – Part 2 Önce birinci bölümü okumanızı tavsiye ederim. Yorumlarınız bekliyorum. Uzun hikaye sevmeyenler okumasın 🙂 Sabah Mutfağa geldiğimde Serhat, Serpil’le görüşüyordu. Serpil’i kızgın gördüm. Serhat beni görür görmez yanıma geldi. “Dün akşam için kusura bakma. Bir daha olmayacak. Unutalım olanları.” Dedi. Serpill’e de söylemiş. Bana çok ayıp ettiğini. Kendi sevgiline de haksızlık etmişti. Sevgilisi cuma akşamı, hafta sonu kalmak için geliyormuş. Tabii ona söylemiyecektik olanları. Serpil, Serhat’ın sevgilisi geleceği için bozuktu. Dün gece olanların bir daha olmayacağı kararını da bu yüzden verdiğini iddia ediyordu. Kıskandığı belliydi. Bu gerginlik içinde gün geçti. Hafta sonu da Serhat’ın sevgilisinin gelmesi başka bir gerginlik getirdi. Buna rağmen gezdik, eğlendik, yedik içtik. Onların baş başa kalmaları her ne kadar Serpil i rahatsız etse de bana biraz nefes alabileceğim ortam sağlamıştı. Serpil benimle hala bir şey yapmıyordu. Serhat’ın sevgilisi…


A Tale of Twin Tails Ch. 06

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 *** We pick up, the day after Chapter 5.*** Brent all but skipped past Tammy, his secretary, going into his office Monday morning. Brent was humming a verse to a song he had heard on the radio which was now stuck in his head. Without breaking stride, he set a fresh cup of coffee and a doughnut from Tammy’s favorite coffee shop on her desk before breezing by. Noticing his bright mood, she said, “So I guess at least one of us got lucky this weekend.” Brent called back over his shoulder, “Oh, just some family bonding time, but it was really special. I think I finally got through to Becky after all these years. She’s really come around.” Brent tossed his things onto his desk and turned back toward Tammy. “How about you?” “Oh the usual….


Passion Lake

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Rolling to a stop in front of the cabin, you look to the front of the building looking for any signs of life. Seeing none, you grab the bag from the seat beside you and get out of the car. Spotting my car, you know that I must be there, you just don’t know where. Walking to the steps of the porch, you set the bag down and take off your jacket, dropping it on the top of the bag. Looking around, you marvel at the vast beauty of the area surrounding this secluded, and very private cabin. Hearing noises from the direction of the small lake that borders the property, you walk around the cabin and head for the water. As you approach the water’s edge, your eyes are already scanning the smooth surface for me….


Out to Lunch

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 I have rewritten this story. It was my first story on Literotica and after a lot of assistance from editors I feel I have been able to improve my writing. This story is 100% true with some minor changes to protect the innocent. * When I was in my early 30’s I was required to travel to our head office once a month. I normally stayed for about a week at a time and used the company flat instead of a hotel. I would work in the office until lunch time and then head back to the flat, have lunch, and catch up on my emails during the afternoon. During one of my monthly trips, I was invited by a friend to join him at lunch to meet a friend he had met on IRC (an early…


Open Door

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 *Ever wonder about the moments in your life when the risk seemed too great to make move on something you so much desire? Too often I think we allow those risk to seize hold of us and prevent us from fully taking the moment and enjoying our lives completely. Hope you all enjoy* He was lying in a room, high ceilings and a thick carpet. Circumstances unbeknownst to him at the time had brought him here and his friend was most kind to give him a place to crash for the night. They had been friends for some time after all and he had spent many a night there in the past. This night was different however. He could hear her moans in the next room. Her boyfriend had been out of town for the weekend and…


One Man’s Adventures: Here To Help

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Authors note: This is part of the 1 Mans Adventures series. This, as all the other stories in this series, prior and forthcoming, are all at least partially true. The acts in these stories actually did take place, the names have been changed and the memories magnified. However, the places and acts described are actual events that have happened to me during my lifetime. The stories have no chronological order, instead are written as I recall and fantasize about my experiences. If you enjoy reading this, or any other 1 Mans Adventure stories, I would love to receive your comments, reactions, and any pictures you would like to send. I can be contacted via email at the address in my profile. * * * * * “Oh yeah, Joel… Fuck me harder!” Amazingly enough, as I was…


Old Friends , New Possibilities Ch. 4

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Theresa cooed to herself as she watched her husband stir to life as she lovingly sucked on his hard cock. It was just two weeks ago that she had discovered how she liked the taste of his cum. She also discovered how she loved the feel of his hard cock between her lips and sliding down her throat. Just then she felt a small tingle of pleasure ripple forth from her pussy. Glancing back she saw her husbands fingers sliding in and out of her moist pussy. Moaning in pleasure as she continued to deep throating of her husband. These vibrations sent wondrous sensations up and down Mathew’s cock and he groaned his joyous approval. As this cycle of pleasure continued, it was only moments later Mathew’s cock erupted down the throat of his wife, spurring her…


Off-Agenda Meeting Ch. 01

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 I finished a long, slow sip of Rebecca’s beer, put the glass back in its place, and continued the conversation. It was typical convention banter with a typical convention crowd. Half of these people came to every conference. Some of them were good friends. Some were just looking to kill some time and pick up a free drink. The other half, including Rebecca, was mostly made up of first-timers. She was in every one of my sessions today. She always sat in front in one of the aisle seats. She asked lots of questions and took lots of notes. It was obvious she was smart and eager to learn so it didn’t surprise me when she pulled up a chair in the hotel bar, practically forcing her way into a spot next to me at the already…


No Strings Ch. 01: Arrival

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Introduction. I am English and you are American. We live five thousand miles apart. We met on a webcam-based chat site that pairs random people together for conversation. We spoke for hours, sharing intimate details and secrets that included our sexual preferences, experiences and desires. Then we exchanged emails for a few weeks and played some games during video calls. Finally, we had the mad idea of meeting in person to indulge in some of our fantasies – with no strings attached. Like a small kid waiting for Christmas, I have hardly slept since. I have a business trip coming up that will allow me to spend five days with you. At the end of those five days we have agreed we will go our separate ways and not contact each other again. Chapter 1 I fly…