
Felicia Opens the Door

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 The doorbell rang for the second time. Felicia stood, her hand grasped the doorknob with white knuckled resolve not to turn it, open it, and answer it. As if holding back the evil that stood behind it, this door was her only protection from what was out there. She wasn’t expecting anyone or anything. Who could it be, she wondered? Her panic loomed larger than her sanity. Anxiety controlled her and she was frozen in place with apprehension. Suddenly, the door grew larger and claimed her, she imagined. The door dominated her. This inanimate door took on a life of its own breathing, seething, pulsating, and nearly bursting open to claim her and the inside of her house as part of the evil that was beyond this closed and locked front door. She leaned forward and looked…